Wow...Hi again....
I actually sort of forgot I even started this blog...I wonder if anyone actually reads it? I have found that I love reading other people's blogs- it's like getting a weird sort of voyerism...people tell it all (except for their kids names usually) and I just so enjoy it so much. It's like having a really good girlfriend(s) who will spill all her beans and you don't have to worry about making real time to get together with her. Of course it will never replace my real friends, but I'm sure they are tired of hearing me say, "I read this on someone's blog last night...."
I re-named my blog. I wasn't really thrilled with the old name...and when I started this I was in the midst of potty-training my youngest child. He is now a successful potty user, but I still have some funny stories from the bathroom. Like the other day when he declared that his poopy looked like a candy cane, or how his dad taught him to lower the seat "gen-tow-wee" instead of slamming it down, or when he just drops his drawers and pees wherever he happens to be (outside of course). Oh, the whole world is my toilet! And, like many of you, I never thought that so much of my adult life would revolve around the use of the potty- someone else's use of the potty! Or that I would have to say stupid things like, "Finish making that poop already...someone else has to go!" But we are all here together! All of us mothers. I try to warn my newly pregnant friends. They look at me like, right...Whatever. But they'll be aboard soon enough!