Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Bell Curve

Remember the bell curve? Named for the bell-shaped normal distribution of IQ scores... Well, it's a running joke with my dad. Whenever someone says something particularly dim (and there is usually a large amount of wine involved- although not always!) he'll say "AH...The bell curve." Well, today I had a bell curve experience....OH. MY. GOD. I was painting scenery for my kids' ballet recital, which is fast approaching, at the dance studio today. There is an interesting mix of moms there. Stay-at-home moms, corporate moms, older moms, younger moms, rich moms, not so rich moms, smart (really intelligent) moms and then this lady.... I swear this is the conversation we had, "My kids have my husband's brains, thank god....He's like SO smart. He like took 2 majors in college and is really, really smart, but decided to work at (nameless manual labor/ factory job) because he could make more money. He's like so smart- they have this genius test, I think, and he took it and got, like, the highest score EVER. And his parents, I don't know what they did, because all his siblings are smart too, and I don't know how they did it, but I'm trying to raise my kids the same way. My daughter gets 100's on everything. She's really smart too." All I could do was say "Uhhhh-huhhhhh."


Blogger Cristina said...

I think uuuuh huhhh was exactly the appropriate response. :)

3:03 AM  

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