Dance Pants...
I'm searching online for relatively cheap basic black dance pants for Hudson for his upcoming recital. Do you know how hard it is to find a pair of PLAIN black pants that are suitable for dancing for a boy (that don't cost a small fortune)? Wal*mart is getting a better selection of dance clothes for kids, but the pants all have some stupid HUGE sparkly pink design that would be impossible to hide... not to mention what it would do to poor Hudson's ego- he already feels funny at dance, but to have to wear pants with a sparkly pink design on them?! It's a good thing he doesn't realize that the pants he currently wears to class are girls pants. They are plain basic legging type pants that he has worn to every class.

They fit him really well, except for the fact that they are about 3 inches too short now (they are a size 4/5!! Skinny little thing. He's 6 and ½ years old!) and starting to look faded...and of course I can't find them anymore to even look for the proper size. They are ok for class I guess, but I wouldn't put Alex up on stage in an ill-fitting outfit. Unfortunately for him, it looks like I may have to get these. It looks like there is a small amount of writing or something put I think we can hide that.
I got to watch him in action at class tonight through the waiting room window. The instructor usually keeps the shade down, so this was a treat. I only got to see the tap portion and he actually did pretty good! He's one of the better ones in the class. I am really proud of him. The tap-dance is adorable. It's to the music "Talk to thee Animals". All the kids are different animals... he is a frog. The ballet is to Appalachiann Spring by Aaron Copeland and the kids are bultterflies. He asked his teacher if he could paint a black spot on his wings because he remembered from when we hatched monarchs last summer, that male monarchs have a black spot on their wings...

but we decided that everyone will be able to tell he's a boy while on stage. He's too cute!
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