Monday, April 17, 2006


We had a very quiet, relaxed Easter....which was nice. The kids were up at about 7am and Alex found all the Easter baskets (Hudson searched and searched, but he's a man, what can I say?) I was sleepy still from my very late night on Friday (I haven't seen 3am in like- forever!) so I went back to bed. When I woke up it was nearly 10am, so we missed church. Alex, surprisingly was quite upset about missing church on Easter. She is normally the one I have to bribe and cajole to get to go on an ordinary Sunday with me. Justin had the day off so we played around outside, clearing out an area behind the house that is completely overgrown with wild grape vines. I put up a tree fort the other day back there and we are trying to create a nice spot for bon-fires. So Justin was burning some of his piles, and tossed on last years Christmas tree, which was prophetic in a way- burning (on Easter) the tree that symbolizes Jesus's birth... anyway. I cooked Easter dinner, with ham, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, crescent rolls, applesauce and apple pie (ok- I didn't actually bake the pie) which the kids sort of ate. They really just like the crescent rolls- that's all I really needed to make. I've never cooked a ham before (I know- you are totally rolling your eyes saying how incredibly LAME I am) so although it was quite easy, I was still proud of it.

The kids have this week off from school, which surprisingly means I have more free time- no dance class, no enrichment program, no volunteering.... so today we are taking a friend and her baby to a park, where the moms can walk and the kids can play on the playground. See you soon!