Monday, June 05, 2006


Can you believe that it is June already? June is a busy time of year around here- school letting out (and all the extra parties, field trips, and special days it involves) soccer starts, dance recitals, weddings, birthdays (mine & Ethan's), etc. etc AND this year I am starting to baby sit my girlfriend's baby Cate at the end of the month. Wow! I guess I should replace the deathtrap Ethan calls his highchair- or least get one that Cate can sit in with less risk of injury.

Today the power went off for a little while. At first I thought it was my fault- like I blew a fuse or something- but realized that I wasn't using THAT much electricity, just the TV, lights in the kitchen and hand mixer (making cupcakes for Ethan's treat at school tomorrow). So anyway, my great Aunt/neighbor (she's both) came to my door all frazzled and said, in an accusatory tone,
"Is your power out too?"
"Yes," I replied.
"Well...." she grunted, "WHY???"
Like I did it! Like I used up all the "juice" in the power grid with my little hand mixer- UGH! You would have thought it was Armageddon or something the with her crazy tone and attitude. Pease. But peace - and our electricity- were restored shortly.....Thank God!