We have had our tree up for a little while, but I just decided I should take a picture of it. Of course this picture isn't great, but you get the idea. Our house is so small we can't have a huge tree, and that is just fine with me. I think we have seven foot ceilings. There is no theme or color scheme- I guess our design is "mostly stuff the kids like" and "I don't care if they break ." I do have a few nice ornaments, but they are very high up on the tree. I buy the kids an ornament each year, and label them, so someday when they leave home they will each have a collection of ornaments to put on their own tree, and THEN I can have a nice, designer tree! My Dad bought us a bunch of Nutcrackers last year, so now we have an instant collection! And the stockings are hung on the apothecary with care...
Other random stuff....
Ethan has started this weird new "obsession"....the bathroom door NEEDS to be closed and the lid on the toilet seat NEEDS to be down. He'll stop whatever he is doing, run into the bathroom and close the potty and then shut the door. Then he'll come out and yell, "I want that door SHUT!" Ok- whatever....
Alex did it again..... she waited until Daddy wasn't around (of course) to ask me if there REALLY was a Santa. Oh... I do not want to get into this again. She's obviously old enough to know the truth, but her reaction to learning about the tooth fairy was so heart breaking, I just couldn't do it again. I said, "What do you believe?" She answered, "I think Santa is real, but I think
you do everything." She is a smart, smart girl.