Christmas 2005

Speaking of Christmas.... I have come to realize that I enjoy the weeks preceding Christmas more than the actual event itself. I LIKE baking cookies, and shopping, and wrapping (this year I made cool gift tags that I stamped with a potato cut into a tree shape) and hiding presents, and MAKING presents (I painted and/or made something for almost everyone on my list this year) and listening to Christmas carols over and over again on the radio. I like putting up the tree and getting out all the other silly decorations and helping the kids countdown the days. I love receiving Christmas cards and I even like to send out my own. But then its all OVER. Its like all this planning and then its over in a wink. We even extend our celebrations throughout the week, with three family parties, but it still feels sort of like...this is it? But I do love the feeling I have just before the big day.... I guess next year I'll secretly celebrate Dec. 23rd as my own special day.
But, we did have a nice Christmas. The 2 older kids woke up at about 7. We made them wait in the kitchen until finally Grandma Chickie (my MIL) couldn't stand it and went upstairs to get Ethan. When thy walked into the living room and saw the pile of gifts Hudson said, "We must have been GOOD-ER this year!" Very Cute.
They loved just about everything and did a wonderful job of feigning appreciation if they didn't. I made a last minute decision to make a tutu for Alex to play ballerina in. It's white organza-ish material with silver snowflakes on it, over two layers of white tulle. Very feminine. Very snowflake-fairiesque. I spent hours sewing the damn thing- it should have taken about 1/2 an hour, but I kept messing it up. I was trying to sew in an elastic waistband and just couldn't figure it out. Anyway.... I'm glad I made it because she LOVED it. She put on a production for everyone to her Nutcracker CD.
My best gift was a new refrigerator!! Yippee!! It's so clean and white and new and did I mention clean? Oh my god- I love it! I don't even want to put anything on it because it looks so new and beautiful. Now, I normally don't go ga-ga over appliances, but you have to realize that my old fridge was so icky, rusty and mildewy that I would paint the front of it white about once every 2 months. Justin was too embarrassed to have his buddy from Lowes take away our old one when they delivered the new one (because it was so icky) that we now have a refrigerator in our back white trash is that? (Don't worry- we have removed the doors.) My other gifts included a new (old) yellowware bowl from my MIL that I have been coveting ever since I discovered it in her cupboard one day, a giftcard to Old Navy that I was told I could use only on ME, some really great lotion for my ever dry feet (and foot rubs from my husband), an Antigone Rising CD (very awesome) and some really kick ass boots from my Mom. Love them!
I hope everyone had a joyous, merry and peaceful holiday season......Happy 2006!
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